I’ve Forgotten The Stars

Coby Bronze
4 min readNov 28, 2021


Oh God, not another damn poem, about the midnight stars, forgotten, lost in the city lights, where hookups, remembered, filled the empty voids of sleepless nights, where warm holes invited hard cocks in, sometimes followed by unforgettable conversations, or miserable silences. Ghosted.

Meaningless? The sexy moans of the city; sirens, gunshots, dog barks, pretty faces hiding away in the bookstores, stores filled with impossible desires, mostly me and a once upon a time boyfriend smelling blueberry scented candles at Target, grown men passing out on opiates at the train station platform…



Coby Bronze

Millennial. Rural to urban queer. Studied Sociology and Philosophy. Working-class academic. Lover of books and floral tapestries. ko-fi.com/cobyqueer